We Are ISO27001 Certified!


At Inventrik we are always looking for ways to further our data protection & IT security capabilities. In light of our efforts, we have now earned the ISO27001 certification.

With this certification, you can be certain that we will do all we can to ensure that your data is secure & well protected with us. We have in place validated IT security & data protection practices so that any of your assets—such as intellectual property—will be assuredly protected.

This certification is a badge of honour that we would wear proudly on our lapels. It only shows that we are committed to extending our best security capabilities to our clients.

What is ISO27001:2013 ?

ISO is an independent, non-governmental international organisation with a membership of 167 national standards bodies.

The ISO27000 series centers around IT security & data protection, with ISO27001 being one of them. It is administered by the International Organisation for Standardisation, or ISO.

The requirements of these regulations are based on consumer needs and desires. ISO27001 answers them as well as it can, certifying only companies that can demonstrate the consistency, quality, and reliability of their data protection measures and procedures.

These standards are decided upon by global experts, regulatory and governmental bodies concerned with the standard of quality that consumers receive. These regulations tend to be utilised in countries around the world as scaffolds for their own regulations.

What Does It Mean for you?

It means that you can be assured that our security & data protection strategies are reliable and safe. We meet the regulatory requirements that are agreed upon by the 167 aforementioned national standards bodies.

This also means that you can establish yourself in your industry as a business who, even with collaborating partners, would strive to implement the best security & data protection practices. You are willing to go that extra mile to ensure that other companies that you work with also prioritize security.